
Tourist Information

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Terrain & Weather

Weather and Climate in Sukhothai

General weather conditions
Summer The hot season lasts from March to May, with an average daily high temperature above 97°F. The hottest month of the year is April, with an average high of 99°F and low of 80°F.
Rainfall The wet season runs from May to October. Owing to high temperature and humidity, the weather becomes oppressive during the day. The most rainfall is seen in September.
Winter The cold season starts from October to February. An average daily high temperature is above 97°F. The coolest month of the year is December, with an average low of 66°F and high of 88°F.
  • The month with the most clear, sunny days is February
  • The fewest possible drops of rain is from November to February
  • Weather and Climate in Kamphaeng Phet

    General weather conditions
    Summer The hot season lasts from March to May, with an average daily high temperature above 97°F. The hottest month of the year is April, with an average high of 99°F and low of 80°F.
    Rainfall The wet season runs from May to October. Owing to high temperature and humidity, the weather becomes oppressive during the day. The most rainfall is seen in August.
    Winter The cold season starts from September to January. An average daily high temperature is above 97°F. The coolest month of the year is December, with an average low of 66°F and high of 86°F.
  • The month with the most clear, sunny days is February
  • The fewest possible drops of rain is from November to February
  • Sukhothai/Kamphaeng Phet Travel Guide in Summer

    The weather is extremely hot, with an average high temperature from 99°F to 109°F. Travelers should follow some useful tips mentioned in the following.
    Appropriate clothing Wear breathable loose-fitting fabrics to let your skin breathe or wear sun-protected clothing. It is also recommended to wear a hat along with sunglasses.
    Apply sunscreen In summer, the sun is so strong. This by far the most important to put on sunscreen as it helps prevent sunburn and skin cancer.
    Drink plenty of water Get enough water throughout the day to replace fluids lost by sweating and to avoid dehydration.
    Warning signs and symptoms of Heat Stroke
  • Hot, red, high body temperature (103°F or higher)
  • No sweating
  • Feeling thirsty
  • Fast, strong pulse
  • Dizziness, Nausea or Vomiting
  • Throbbing headache, losing unconsciousness

  • Groups most at risk to Heat Stroke
  • Elderly and children
  • People with chronic diseases such as obesity
  • People with no enough sleep

  • Prevention
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Wear loose-fitting and light-colored clothing
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun

  • First aid
  • Move the person into a shady place. Don’t crowd around the person to allow more airflow.
  • Loosen tight clothing and belts. Remove socks and shoes.
  • Lay the person flat on their back. Elevate the person’s legs to restore blood flow to the brain.
  • Lower the person’s temperature with cool cloths or ice packs against the neck, under the arms, in the groin area, and forehead. Use a fan to help circulate cooler air.
  • If the person’s still conscious, rush them to the hospital.

  • If you suspect heat stroke or see someone with symptoms, contact our 24-hour hotline.
  • 1669 Emergency Medical Service
  • 1155 Tourist Police

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